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The safety and effectiveness of a data center largely depend upon the enhanced cooling system for data center. Excessive hot air circulation within a data center can cause equipment to overheat and malfunction. Hence the objective is always to minimize airflow volume by containing each rack within its system to ensure that the hot exhaust air remains isolated from the cold air. Data center cooling with airflow management It requires a lot of planning and effort to manage data center cooling. First, however, the role of airflow management must be considered. It isolates hot and cold airstreams by aligning the racks in parallel rows with the inlet sides of the servers while facing each other across an aisle. This prevents the mixing of the thermal environment within the data center and minimizes the chance of short circuits or outages. A well-planned airflow management is essential because it ensures that the facility maintains a proper temperature throughout

Data Center Racks Over the years with digitalization, the data center industry has evolved from a simple setup to a more complex counterpart. Research and development in this field helped bring the cutting edge DC technology. This has enhanced the relevance of data center racks in assisting networking, computing, and storage equipment and optimizing the data center ecosystem. All of this has increased the criticality of the selection criteria for data center racks which have gained immense traction lately. The deciding factors There are several factors that play an important role in choosing racks for a data center. Specifically, details about size and load-bearing capacity are essential determinants. Since racks are an essential part of the data center operation, hence their selection should be made with practicality and caution. Just as choosing an IT rack is critical for data center availability, similarly choosing the right rack accessories can