Power Distribution Unit Tag

In the evolving data center landscape, the operations of the IT industries are dependent upon the power distribution units (PDU). Hence it plays an important role where it offers a range of monitoring and metering capabilities that can significantly impact the operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Since the PDUs power the servers and business-critical equipment within the IT infrastructure facility through multiple outlets to ensure consistent, reliable, and adequate power supply to ensure business continuity hence, it is important to choose the right PDU for a data center to maximize the performance while minimizing the energy consumption and operational costs. Criticality of choosing the right PDU The choice of PDU can have a big impact on the overall efficiency and reliability of a data center infrastructure. However, it is not simple and easy to choose a PDU. The number of PDU options available can be overwhelming at times. So, it’s essential to focus on

5 Great reasons to use Good quality PDUs for your Data Center “Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort." - John Ruskin The quality of a product determines future sustainability and success. A good quality power distribution unit (PDU) is the key to ensuring a reliable power supply since it is the heart of rack solutions. This is important because a low-quality PDU adversely affects the safety of critical equipment. Hence it is essential to choose a PDU with good quality that will support the power consumption of the equipment hosted inside the rack. This will prevent accidental tripping and reduce the chance of equipment downtime. A Certified PDU must also be equipped with a Surge Suppressor to minimize the effect of voltage fluctuation. Such PDU increases dependability in the long run. Quality and suitability of PDUs Now, along with determining the quality of a PDU, it is essential to